Monday, 21 September 2020

The Future Of In-Store Gaming

Without in-store gaming, the hobby game store business model is broken. Let's not pretend it's not. If we survive the year, it will be because of charitable customers. A store with game space has a Useful Value Proposition. It's not unique, not special, but it's expected and it's critically important.

Social gaming is something you can't get online. You can't get the breadth of social gaming at home with your friends or family. It's a critical loss leader of a service that defines the hobby game trade. Our stores are designed around it and our staff and hours reflect it. A straight retail store is not a long term viable business, at least not for anyone who has space and staff set up for such a store. It wouldn't surprise me if upwards of 40% of our sales are tied to in store gaming.

Customers ask, when will you have in-store gaming again? I don't know. I can tell you we may have closed our in-store gaming a little late, carefully following bare minimum CDC and county guidelines, but we won't be opening it too early. There's no amount of pressure or economic injury too great to risk what we know is a killer. There are stores planning to open with customers wearing masks, playing in pods. Umm, no. I guarantee you, there will be stores doing this, but it's grossly irresponsible and you shouldn't engage. One of the things I dislike about this community is the inability to hold bad actors accountable.

The key term is social distancing
. As long as there is social distancing, meaning you stay six feet from each other in public spaces, there is no in-store gaming. Let's not pretend the 40K crowd can play their game while carefully abiding by the six foot social distancing rule. It's a fantasy. Let it go. As long as social distancing is recommended, there will be no responsible in store gaming.

What happens next?  There are half a dozen studies suggesting we'll have some sort of reverse social gathering recommendations. We'll start with curbside delivery, then no more than five customers in the store, no more than five people gathered for an event, then 50, then 100, then maybe it will be normal again. This could take a year or longer. Some customers will never in-store game again, just as some people will never go to a movie theater again.

What I would like my customers to understand is:
  1. I have a strong financial motive to get in-store gaming back up and running as quickly as possible. Don't think I'm dragging my feet. Peoples livelihoods depend on it eventually happening.
  2. I know you're young and invulnerable and aren't overly concerned with dying of a virus that mostly harms the old and infirm, but we need to work together to keep our community safe.
  3. I won't compromise the health of my staff or my customers, even if staff or customers are willing to take risks. Please don't come to me with justifications or reasonings as to why your event is different. 
  4. Likewise, there will be those who think we are reckless for following new opening guidelines. If you can't abide by our painfully difficult decisions, please leave. There were angry people on both sides before and that won't change.

I need to ask customers to support small business during this critical transition period with their money. New games are being released. Buy that friend you haven't seen in a month a gift certificate. Store owners know our value proposition, what we offer, is compromised. We need customers to vote for our survival with their wallets. Please continue buying from us, even though it's scary and we aren't offering your regular event.

Right now, stores doing home or curbside delivery will tell you they're only doing 20% or so of their previous sales. That means 80% of previous customers are not helping. If you want to see your local store continue to exist, we need you to actively spend your money to make this happen, even though we aren't offering the same experience you've grown to love. We'll get through this together.

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Download And Play God Of War On PC With Proof (100% Working) (60 FPS)

So Far Behind...

   I haven't talked about so many gaming things happening in my life the last few weeks.

  First, I went to DesotoCon, in Kansas, back at the end of July. I started a blog post about it and will finish it, I promise. It's even going to be back dated so it will appear before this one. Not many (any?) photos from it though. Well, a few, I think.

  The next week I went to Indianapolis for GenCon. Met a lot of great people, hung out with some friends from Thread Raiders, Saving Throw Show, and Dragons and Things (best Pathfinder liveplay stream, Fridays at 6:00 Pacific on Twitch). Bought a bunch of stuff. Again, it deserves it's own post and I will work on that. A few more photos there.

   I've also released the first product from Goblyn Head Press on DriveThruRPG. It's a supplement designed for D&D 5e called Sacred Sites. It was written by Eli Arndt, who you ugys have seen me mention before around here. Nine different places you can encounter the sacred or profane. It has sold a few copies already and it's only been up about a week. Very excited about that. Probably deserves it's own post, too.

  And we've gotten a few more sessions of Starfinder in. Kicked one guy out of our group, got another new player. Still sitting at three players so if anyone wants to join us in Santa Fe, TX (in Galveston County, on the mainland)...

   And I painted a few minis. Not much. I really need to get to work on the Pledge or I am screwed.

   Oh, two new display cases came in and I got one put together. Detolf from IKEA.

   And I have been drawing more maps on my Wacom tablet. So that's getting me closer to done with another Goblyn Head project.

   All in all, I guess I have been busy. Just not very good at reporting. I'll try to get caught up on all of that the next few days.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Amiga Para Siempre: FS-UAE Amiga Emulator Hits Version 3.0

FS-UAE is one of the newest Commodore Amiga emulators on the scene, and perhaps the only true multiplatform emulation project for the system still in development. It has had astounding progress since it was originally released in 2011, and last week it announced the release of version 3.0.

The changes in the newest release are many and varied, so feel free to check the full changelog available here. FS-UAE has garnered a very good reputation for being a quality emulator focusing on ease of use and multiplatform support. The developer also maintains the OpenRetro Database, where users can submit information and configuration files to help running the games easier.

The FS-UAE launcher tool

The Amiga is one of the home computers originally developed by Commodore back in the 1980s. During its heyday it was considered to be a revolutionary platform, notorious for its user friendliness and the quality of its sound chipset. Its game library, although found to be meager by some nowadays, has maintained a solid fanbase over the years. Games like The Secret of Monkey Island, Sensible Soccer, and Lemmings, were all originally developed on the Amiga, and many other titles for the platform have ever since attained cult status among gaming communities.

All the code for FS-UAE is, of course, Free Software, and its main repository can be found on Github here.

Code license: GPLv2

Post your comments on this thread.

Monday, 31 August 2020

RFCrack Release - A Software Defined Radio Attack Tool

RFCrack uses the following hardware with RFCat libraries:
YardStick One:

I decided to cleanup my RF testing harness and release it as a tool named RFCrack
Mostly because it has been pain to set up use-case scenarios from scratch for every device I am testing. Rather then release a tool no one knows how to use. The below video will be a quick but comprehensive tutorial to get you started If you've been following the blogs, this will greatly simplify your testing, in the following ways:
  • RFCrack handles all of your data conversions. 
  • It allows you to capture, replay and save payloads for use anytime 
  • It will handle rolling code bypass attacks on your devices. 
  • You can jam frequencies and fuzz specific values 
  • It will also allow you to scan specific frequencies in discovery mode or incrementally probe them 
  • RFCrack will hopefully have keyless entry & engine bypass support in the near future

This is the first release, everything works as intended but there will be plenty of updates as I continue to do research and find reasons to add features needed for testing. I am still making changes and making it more flexible with modifiable values and restructuring code.  If you have any legitimate use case scenarios or need a specific value to be modifiable, hit me up and I will do my best to update between research, if its a legitimate use case.

You can reach me at:
Twitter: @Ficti0n ,

GitHub Code for RFCrack:

Full RF Hacking Course in Development:

Not all of the attacks in the tool have been covered in the RF hacking blog series and a few more are in research mode, as such, not yet added to the tool but will probably be covered in a full length online class on Hacking with RF which includes all targets and equipment.  Send an email to info(at) if your interested.

Walkthrough Training Video:

Until Next time: 

Cheers, and enjoy the tool for your personal use testing devices, feedback and bug reports are appreciated.  I have another RF blog coming out shortly based on my friends research into hacking garages/gates and creating keyfobs.  I will post when its ready. 

Read more

  1. Hacker Tools Free
  2. Pentest Tools For Windows
  3. Pentest Automation Tools
  4. Pentest Tools Linux
  5. Pentest Tools Url Fuzzer
  6. Wifi Hacker Tools For Windows
  7. Blackhat Hacker Tools
  8. Hacker Tools For Pc
  9. Tools Used For Hacking
  10. Nsa Hack Tools
  11. Hack Tools Download
  12. Hack Tools For Windows
  13. Wifi Hacker Tools For Windows
  14. Android Hack Tools Github
  15. Growth Hacker Tools
  16. Hacking Tools 2019
  17. Kik Hack Tools
  18. Hacker Tools Free Download
  19. Hack Tools
  20. Hacker Tools For Pc
  21. Hacker Techniques Tools And Incident Handling
  22. Hacker Tools Windows
  23. Hacking Tools For Windows
  24. Hacking Tools Online
  25. Pentest Tools Online
  26. Hacker Tools List
  27. Hacking Tools Windows
  28. Hack Tools Github
  29. Hacker Tools Linux
  30. Install Pentest Tools Ubuntu
  31. Computer Hacker
  32. Android Hack Tools Github
  33. Hacker Techniques Tools And Incident Handling
  34. Underground Hacker Sites
  35. Pentest Tools Apk
  36. Hack Tools Online
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  38. Hacker Tools For Pc
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  40. Pentest Box Tools Download
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  42. Underground Hacker Sites
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  46. Hack Apps
  47. Hacker Search Tools
  48. Hacking Tools Windows 10
  49. Hacker Tools Online
  50. Tools Used For Hacking
  51. Best Hacking Tools 2020

Sunday, 30 August 2020

QakBot Banking Trojan Returned With New Sneaky Tricks To Steal Your Money

A notorious banking trojan aimed at stealing bank account credentials and other financial information has now come back with new tricks up its sleeve to target government, military, and manufacturing sectors in the US and Europe, according to new research. In an analysis released by Check Point Research today, the latest wave of Qbot activity appears to have dovetailed with the return of

via The Hacker News

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Goddi (Go Dump Domain Info) - Dumps Active Directory Domain Information

Based on work from Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), Antti Rantasaari, Eric Gruber (@egru), Will Schroeder (@harmj0y), and the PowerView authors.

Use the executables in the releases section. If you want to build it yourself, make sure that your go environment is setup according to the Go setup doc. The goddi package also uses the below package.
go get

Tested on Windows 10 and 8.1 (go1.10 windows/amd64).

Tested on Kali Linux (go1.10 linux/amd64).
  • umount, mount, and cifs-utils need to be installed for mapping a share for GetGPP
apt-get update
apt-get install -y mount cifs-utils
  • make sure nothing is mounted at /mnt/goddi/
  • make sure to run with sudo

When run, will default to using TLS (tls.Client method) over 636. On Linux, make sure to run with sudo.
  • username: Target user. Required parameter.
  • password: Target user's password. Required parameter.
  • domain: Full domain name. Required parameter.
  • dc: DC to target. Can be either an IP or full hostname. Required parameter.
  • startTLS: Use to StartTLS over 389.
  • unsafe: Use for a plaintext connection.
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> .\godditest-windows-amd64.exe -username=testuser -password="testpass!" -domain="test.local" -dc="dc.test.local" -unsafe
[i] Begin PLAINTEXT LDAP connection to 'dc.test.local'...
[i] PLAINTEXT LDAP connection to 'dc.test.local' successful...
[i] Begin BIND...
[i] BIND with 'testuser' successful...
[i] Begin dump domain info...
[i] Domain Trusts: 1 found
[i] Domain Controllers: 1 found
[i] Users: 12 found
[*] Warning: keyword 'pass' found!
[*] Warning: keyword 'fall' found!
[i] Domain Admins: 4 users found
[i] Enterprise Admins: 1 users found
[i] Forest Admins: 0 users found
[i] Locked Users: 0 found
[i] Disabled Users: 2 found
[i] Groups: 45 found
[i] Domain Sites: 1 found
[i] Domain Subnets: 0 found
[i] Domain Computers: 17 found
[i] Deligated Users: 0 found
[i] Users with passwords not set to expire: 6 found
[i] Machine Accounts with passwords older than 45 days: 18 found
[i] Domain OUs: 8 found
[i] Domain Account Policy found
[i] Domain GPOs: 7 found
[i] FSMO Roles: 3 found
[i] SPNs: 122 found
[i] LAPS passwords: 0 found
[i] GPP enumeration starting. This can take a bit...
[i] GPP passwords: 7 found
[i] CSVs written to 'csv' directory in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop
[i] Execution took 1.4217256s...
[i] Exiting...

StartTLS and TLS (tls.Client func) connections supported. Connections over TLS are default. All output goes to CSVs and are created in /csv/ in the current working directory. Dumps:
  • Domain users. Also searches Description for keywords and prints to a seperate csv ex. "Password" was found in the domain user description.
  • Users in priveleged user groups (DA, EA, FA).
  • Users with passwords not set to expire.
  • User accounts that have been locked or disabled.
  • Machine accounts with passwords older than 45 days.
  • Domain Computers.
  • Domain Controllers.
  • Sites and Subnets.
  • SPNs and includes csv flag if domain admin (a flag to note SPNs that are DAs in the SPN CSV output).
  • Trusted domain relationships.
  • Domain Groups.
  • Domain OUs.
  • Domain Account Policy.
  • Domain deligation users.
  • Domain GPOs.
  • Domain FSMO roles.
  • LAPS passwords.
  • GPP passwords. On Windows, defaults to mapping Q. If used, will try another mapping until success R, S, etc... On Linux, /mnt/goddi is used.

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Top System Related Commands In Linux With Descriptive Definitions

Commands are just like an instructions given to a system to do something and display an output for that instruction. So if you don't know how to gave an order to a system to do a task then how it can do while you don't know how to deal with. So commands are really important for Linux users. If you don't have any idea about commands of Linux and definitely you also don't know about the Linux terminal. You cannot explore Linux deeply. Because terminal is the brain of the Linux and you can do everything by using Linux terminal in any Linux distribution. So, if you wanna work over the Linux distro then you should know about the commands as well.
In this blog you will get a content about commands of Linux which are collectively related to the system. That means if you wanna know any kind of information about the system like operating system, kernel release information, reboot history, system host name, ip address of the host, current date and time and many more.


If you know about the command but you don't have any idea to use it. In this way you just type the command, then space and then type -h or --help or ? to get all the usage information about that particular command like "uname" this command is used for displaying the Linux system information. You don't know how to use it. Just type the command with help parameter like: uname -h or uname --help etc.


The "uname" is a Linux terminal command responsible of displaying the information about Linux system. This command has different parameter to display a particular part of information like kernel release (uname -r) or all the information displayed by typing only one command (uname -a).


This command is used to show how long the system has been running and how much load on it at current state of the CPU. This command is very useful when you system slows down or hang etc and you can easily get the info about the load on the CPU with the help of this command.


The "hostname" is the the command in Linux having different parameters to display the information bout the current host which is running the kernel at that time. If you wanna know about the parameters of hostname command then you just type hostname --help or hostname -h to get all the info about the command and the usage of the command.

last reboot

The "last reboot" is the command in Linux operating system used to display the reboot history. You just have to type this command over the Linux terminal it will display the reboot history of that Linux system.


The "date" is the command used in Linux operating system to show the date of the day along with the current time of the day.


The "cal" command in Linux used to display the calendar which has the current date highlighted with a square box along with a current month dates and days just like a real calendar.


The "w" is the command used in Linux distro for the sake of getting the information about current user. If you type this command it will display who is online at the time.


The "whoami" is the command in Linux operating system used to show the information that who you are logged in as. For example if you are logged in as a root then it'll display "root" etc.

finger user

The "finger user" is the command used in Linux distribution to display the information about user which is online currently over that Linux system.

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